High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Product Catalogue


  • Dual-chamber syringe contains: catalyst paste - 4 g, universal paste - 4 g;
  • Flowability and thixotropy allow its use both for the buildup of tooth core and the fixation of pins in the root channel. Has high strength;
  • The set includes dual-cure Adhesive "FlowCor Duo" which can be cured with and without light.

«Luxacor» DMG
«Gradia cor» GC

Enamel and dentin etching GEL (4 syringes x 3ml)

Catalogue section: Adhesives

Product code: 090

Enamel and dentin etching GEL (4 syringes x 3ml)

Öåíà: 671.00 Roubles

Enamel and dentin etching GEL set of 4 syringes x 3ml.


Alternative or equivalent:

N-Etch (Ivoclar Vivadent); Gel Etchant (Kerr); Scotchbond Etchant (3M ESPE)


PURPOSE. The gel is intended for enamel/dentin etching with the purpose to create micro retention points and increase adhesion when working with composite filling materials.


PROPERTIES. Gel for the etching of enamel and dentin is silicon gel of phosphoric acid having blue color with the addition of stabilizer. It does not spread over the surface, which allows to avoid unwanted contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth. Contains 35-37% of orto-phosphoric acid. Recommended time for enamel etching: not less than 15 seconds, for dentin - from 5 to 15 sec. Then thoroughly rinse with water and dry the etched surface.



  • gel for enamel/dentin etching - 4 syringes of 3 ml.;
  • cannulas for applying gel – 20 pcs.;
  • instruction for use.



GEL for the etching of enamel and dentin is stored in the original container at the temperature of not exceeding + 24°C. Shelf life: 2 years.


Direction for use "Etching GEL"

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