High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Clinical experience of using «TempeLight» – the first nationally-made material for temporary filling

Has high strength, low acid erosion, radiopacity

  • restoration of teeth cavities classes III, V for adults and children;
  • restoration of cavities classes I, II of primary teeth;
  • restoration of non-carious tooth tissue defects;
  • sealing root dentin caries;
  • placing radiopaque gasket while working with composite filling materials;
  • restoration, with the use of sandwich technique, in the cavities of I and II classes.

Available in the following dosage:
«CemFil 15» (15 g powder + 6.4 ml liquid),
«CemFil 10» (10 g powder + 4.5 ml liquid),
various Vita shades


A.V. Grinev, assistant of Therapeutic dentistry cathedra of I.M. Sechenov First Medical University.

«Cathedra» journal, ¹ 2, 2007

Modern teeth restoration technique cannot be imagined without new temporary filling materials, which would allow minimal invasive treatment. Temporary fillings are designed to serve from 7 days to 6 months.

The main indication for the use of temporary filling is micro-prosthetics and endodontic treatment. The materials used for temporary filling must meet the following requirements:

    1. to be bio-inert;
    2. to provide hermetic coverage of tooth cavity;
    3. to be indifferent to medicines used in the treatment of teeth;
    4. to be easily introduced in the cavity and removed from there;
    5. to have sufficient strength;
    6. not to dissolve in the mouth liquid and saliva;
    7. not to contain components, preventing adhesion and solidification of materials used for permanent filling (1).

At present most often for temporary filling oil-based eugenol-free pastes (dentin-pastes) are used, such as "Cavit" (3M ESPE), "Cimpat" (Septodont),"Coltlsol" (Coltene), "Tempopro" (Raduga-R) and other. However, this group of materials has a number of serious drawbacks: the main are relatively long period of solidification, possible expansion during hardening, difficult extraction from tooth cavity, which is inacceptable for micro-prosthetics.

Certain recently developed light-cure polymer temporary filling materials do not have these drawbacks. These include "Cimpat LC" (Septodont), "Clip" (Voco), "Fermit" (Vivadent).

Filling materials of this group are introduced in the cavity in one portion and thereafter they are light cured by the wavelength of 480 nm within 20-40 seconds. After hardening the temporary fillings made of these materials preserve elasticity, can be easily and completely removed without the use of the drill, which allows to avoid damaging the edges of restored cavity. Also, the quality of edge adhesion of these materials is not inferior to that of dentine-pastes (5), and according to certain research it even surpasses them (2,3,4).

Moreover, a number of light-cure materials for temporary filling contain diffusive fluoride, for example "Clip F" (Voco), which allows remineralizing action on the surrounding hard tooth tissues. (6)

As drawbacks of materials of this group one may consider the fact that not all of them can be easily removed after long stay in the oral cavity, as well as their relatively high price, which is explained by special features of their production and the fact that all the above materials are foreign-made.

Recently came to be produced one national analogue: temporary filling light-cure polymer material «TempeLight», developed by JSC «StomaDent», Moscow.

The results of material use in clinical practice

«TempeLight» has been used in our clinical practice for already 9 months. It should be noted that temporary fillings made of «TempeLight» have high elasticity, which allows in most cases to withdraw it without the use of rotary instruments, with the exclusion of temporary fillings in deep cavities with converging walls.

This material is brought by single portion even in deep cavities, whereby it is only necessary to increase polymerization time to 40 seconds.

«TempeLight» material is flexible, has good manipulative properties, does not stick to dental instruments. Temporary fillings made of material in the first four weeks of observation did not show signs of hermetic edge seal being infringed and of abradability.

Negligible signs of abradability started to appear from the fifth week and were noticed in temporary fillings covering wide cavities and experiencing high occlusion pressure.


The use of new nationally-produced temporary filling polymer material «TempeLight» of JSC «StomaDent» allows to improve the quality of dental assistance. Thanks to the lightness and good manipulative and physical-mechanical qualities of «TempeLight» one can save working time, provide high quality of temporary filling and high comfort for the doctor and the patient.


  1. Íèêîëàåâ À.È., Öåïîâ Ë.Ì. Ïðàêòè÷åñêàÿ òåðàïåâòè÷åñêàÿ ñòîìàòîëîãèÿ.-Ì.,2003.-ñ.74-777
  2. Cruz E.V.,Shigetani Y.,Ishikawa K.,Kota K. A laboratory study of coronal microleakage using four temporary restorative materials//Int.Endodont.J/-2002.-Vol.35.-P/315-320
  3. Deveaux E., Hildelbert P.,Neut C.,Romond C. Bacterial microleakage of Cavit, IRM, TERM and Fermit: a 21-day in vitro study//J.Endodont.-1999.-Vol.25(10).P.653-659.
  4. Hosoya N., Cox C.F., Arai T., Nakamura J. The walking bleach procedure: an in vitro study to measure microleakage of five temporary sealing agents//J.Endodont.-2000.-Vol.26(12).-P.716-718
  5. Tulunoglu O., Uctasli M.B., Ozdemir S. Coronal microleakage of temporary restorations in previously restored teeth with amalgam and composite// Oper.Dent.-2005.-Vol.30(3).-P.331-337.
  6. VOCO. Clip: èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïðîäóêòå. (1993).
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