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are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Comparative evaluation in vitro of nationally-produced sealants: light-cure "FisSeal - S" and self-cure "FisSeal"


  • High-aesthetic teeth restorations of I-VI class;
  • Thixotropic material - easily modeled and easily polished to "dry light";
  • High transparency allows "chameleon effect";
  • Has high strength, low polymerization shrinkage;
  • Contains antibacterial nano-particles.

«Filtek Ultimate» 3M Espe,
«Filtek Z550» 3M Espe,
«Tetric N-Ceram» Ivoclar Vivadent

Cathedra of hospital therapeutic dentistry of Moscow state medical-dental university

JSC «StomaDent» has created national polymer sealant «FisSeal» in several modifications, which differ in their composition, mode and conditions of polymerization.

Sealant «FisSeal» represents polymer composition on the basis of BIS-GMA, containing acryl monomers (oligomers) capable of polymerization - diluents, self-cure or light-cure initiators, fillers or cloud emulsions, coloring agents, stabilizers.

The purpose of the present work has been to evaluate composition and cure mode of nationally-produced sealants «FisSeal» and «FisSeal - S», their adhesive strength in compound with tooth enamel and water resistance in oral cavity conditions.

In order to evaluate adhesive strength we have used GOST R 51202-98. «Dental materials polymer restorative. Technical requirements. Test methods» section 6.3.1.

For tests enamel samples have been used, taken from 93 removed human molars. Adhesive strength of compound with tooth tissues has been determined as strength limit by shift of sealant's cylinder sample vis-a-vis tooth enamel surface. We studied dependence of adhesive strength of light-cure sealant «FisSeal - S» on polymerization time. With this purpose the sealant samples were cured during 20 sec as prescribed by instruction for use, 30 sec and 40 sec. When «FisSeal - S» was light-cured for 20 sec the adhesive strength amounted to 7 MPa, for 30 sec - 9 MPa, for 40 sec - 11.7 MPa.

Water resistance is the capability of compositions for water absorption (WB) and water solubility (WP).

For evaluation of WB and WP of sealants «FisSeal» and «FisSeal - S» we have used GOST R 51202-98, section 6.1.3.

Samples have been made with the use of a standard form: it represented a disk of 15+1 mm diameter and 0.5+0.1 mm thickness. Samples made of light-cure material «FisSeal - S» were polymerized during 40 sec

Tests results have shown the following WB: sealant «FisSeal - S» transparent - 48.8 mcg/mm3, «FisSeal - S» opaque - 40.1 mcg/mm3, «FisSeal» transparent - 48.3 mcg/mm3, «FisSeal» opaque - 44 mcg/mm3.

WP of sealant «FisSeal - S» transparent: 4.1 mcg/mm3, «FisSeal - S» opaque - 0.9 mcg/mm3.

«FisSeal» and «FisSeal - S» have the same monomer composition, therefore they have quite close WB figures. Opaque sealants «FisSeal» and «FisSeal - S» have in their composition a small quantity of filler, that is why they have lower WB. Self-cure materials have lower WP than light-cure materials, which is connected with polymerization mode.


Nationally produced sealants «FisSeal» and «FisSeal - S» meet requirements of modern dental materials. In order to reach optimal qualities of light-cure sealant solidification time period should not be less than 40 sec, especially for opaque compositions. The qualities of self-cure sealant do not depend on its transparency.

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