ELASDAMCatalogue section: for temporary filling Product code: 087
Öåíà: 1 551.00 Roubles
ELASDAM (liquid rubberdam) light curing material for protecting tooth and soft tissues of the oral cavity: 3 syringes of 2 g each, needle tips
Alternative or equivalent: FineDam, Spident (Korea); Amazing White Liquid Dam, Amazing White (USA); OpalDam Refil, Ultradent (USA)
PURPOSE: The ElasDam material is designed:
- to protect tooth tissues and soft tissues of the oral cavity during the teeth whitening procedure;
- to protect tooth tissues and soft tissues of the oral cavity from possible effects of materials with high acidity or alkalinity during manipulation in the oral cavity.
PROPERTIES The material "ElasDam" is a homogeneous paste of a flowing consistency of turquoise color. It is cured by light with a wavelength of 450 – 500 nm (blue light). The curing time of one area is 20-30 seconds. It is packaged in syringes (containers) of black color.
ElasDam paste is a material with high fluidity, therefore it is easily applied to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and after curing it has high elasticity, providing reliable and well-visible protection, it is easily removed after use with a probe.
- 3 syringes with "ElasDam" material, 2 g each;
- needle-tips for syringes;
- instruction for use
STORAGE. ElasDam must be stored at a temperature not above +(5-24)°C in a place protected from direct sunlight. Shelf life of the material: 3 years.