High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Product Catalogue


1 syringe with the material - 3.0 g
«TempeLight» (white and blue colors)
«TempeLight F» (white color)

  • has high plasticity before cure and high elasticity after cure,
  • ensures highly hermetic sealing and ability to remove the temporary filling without the use of rotary instruments,
  • once the filling has been extracted, no mechanical working of the oral cavity is needed.

Clip / Clip F (Voco),
Temp.it (Spident)

ESTELUX NC starting kit

Catalogue section: light-cure composites

Product code: 042

ESTELUX NC starting kit

Öåíà: 8 690.00 Roubles

ESTELUX NC starting kit - nano-hybrid composite restorative light-cure material (I-VI classes). 5 syringes x 4.5 g. (DA2, DA3, DA3,5, EA2, EA3), primer-adhesive 6 ml vial, etching gel 6 g vial, accessories.


Alternative or equivalent:  Filtek Ultimate (3Ì ESPE); Filtek Supreme (3M ESPE); IPS Empress Direct (Ivoclar Vivadent)


“ESTELUX NC” is nano-hybrid material having particles of the filler of the size 20-100 nm, 0.04-1 micron. The degree of inorganic filler contained in the material is 80+2%. 

Enamel shades of "ESTELUX NC" have transparency of 0.9, close to that of the tooth enamel. This allows to create chameleon effect while performing an aesthetic restoration.  The material has high strength, tixotropy, is easily modeled, does not stick to the dental instrument.  

"ESTELUX NC" has low polymerization shrinkage, high color stability, fluorescence, radiopacity, is well polished to a "dry light" and preserves it for a long time. 

The depth of polymerization of the material for 10 seconds is 2-3 mm. It is cured by visible light wavelength of 450 - 500 nm.



 diametric strength: 50 ± 3 MPa.;

  • flexural strength: 100 ± 5 MPa.;
  • water absorption: 13 - 15 mkg./mm3.;
  • adhesion to enamel and dentin: 17+3 MPa.



  • 5 syringes with filling material (4,5 g) - DA2, DA3, DA3,5, EA2, EA3 shades;
  • primer-adhesive ml g vial;
  • etching gel 6 g vial;
  • accessories
  • instruction for use.

STORAGE. "ESTELUX NC" should be kept in a dark place at temperature not above + 24° C. Shelf life of the material is 2 years. If refrigerated during storage, the filling material before use must be kept at room temperature for at least 1 hour.


Experts' opinion about "Estelux NC"


Direction for use "ESTELUX NC"

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