High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Product Catalogue


1 syringe with "IonoLight", B2 color - 2 g

«IonoLight» is intended for:
  • making radiopaque gaskets,
  • aligning cavity bottom,
  • fissure sealing,
  • sealing small defects of class V.

After solidification, the gasket made of «IonoLight» material releases fluoride for a long period of time.

Analogue: «Ionoseal» Voco


Catalogue section: Preventive materials

Product code: 122


Öåíà: 275.00 Roubles

PROFILAC fluorinated varnish based on cedar balsam, 10 g.


PURPOSE. "Profilac" is fluorine-containing dental material. It is used as a prophylactic means against progressive proximal caries, teeth hyperesthesia, non-carious lesions of teeth, as a means of teeth preparation before placing artificial crowns, as periodontal bandage after professional oral hygiene, as a means of prevention children's caries starting from the period of primary teeth appearance.


PROPERTIES. "Profilac" is a viscous brown liquid with the characteristic smell of pine needles and sweet taste, made on the basis of natural resins and balsams, has in its composition 5% of natrium fluoride. The anti-caries effect is based on the stimulation by fluorides of remineralizing capacity of saliva and on the reduction of growth of dental plaque microflora in the mouth. "Profilac" contains biologically active ingredients, vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to periodontal tissues and have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.

"Profilac" is applied in a thin layer on the prepared surface of the tooth and dried for 3 - 5 minutes. The film is kept on the teeth surface for 10-20 hours, saturating enamel with fluorides. The film is easily removed during the hygienic cleaning of teeth.



  • "Profilac" varnish – 10 g. bottle;
  • instruction for use.


STORAGE. "Profilac" should be stored in refrigerator at +4 - 18°C. Shelf life is 2 years. Before using the material should be kept at room temperature for 1 hour. Heating of the material above +30°C  is not permitted - it leads to destruction of its structure and precipitation.


Direction for use "PROFILAC"

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