High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

The use of preventive means "Irix F" and "Irix" in dental practice

  • Dual-chamber syringe contains: catalyst paste - 4 g, universal paste - 4 g;
  • Flowability and thixotropy allow its use both for the buildup of tooth core and the fixation of pins in the root channel. Has high strength;
  • The set includes dual-cure Adhesive "FlowCor Duo" which can be cured with and without light.

«Luxacor» DMG
«Gradia cor» GC

P.V.Dobrovolsky, S.G.Garvalinsky, B.G.Gainutdinova
"Cathedra" journal


In the recent decade dentists more and more often use in their clinical practice liquid means for oral hygiene, which have good preventive action. In our opinion mouth rinse liquids are wrongly classified as additional means for oral hygiene since the role of modern liquid means of oral hygiene increases with the development of scientific technologies and the introduction of new drugs. «Irix F» and «Irix», produced by JSC «Stomatology-Dentistry», have existed more than 1 year on the dental market of Russia and have well positioned themselves as irrigator liquids. The unique chemical composition allows to use these materials both as mouth rinse liquids and as means for individual use in every-day hygienic procedures as well as in clinical practice of dentists for the carrying out of professional hygienic manipulations.

In the innovation clinic of JSC «StomaDent» we have carried out clinical tests of «Irix» and «Irix F». Thanks to their composition they may be classified as complex anti-caries («Irix F»), anti-inflammatory, promoting reparative processes, deodorating liquids for oral hygiene. All above qualities exist due to such components as: in «Irix F» - myramistinum 0,001%, natrium fluoride 0,05%, in «Irix» – myramistinum 0,001%, kalium citrate 0,5%, aromatizer. These materials do not contain alcohol and conserving agent, have good preventive action.

Myramistinum, forming part of the drugs, is a nationally-produced antiseptic means. Being a cation detergent, it increases permeability of the cell capsule of micro-organisms and leads to their cytolysis. Myramistinum is active towards almost all micro-organisms (gram-positive and gram-negative, gram-nihilistic, spores-creative and spore-destructive, resistive to antibiotics). It makes action on mushrooms, vibrios, spirochetes, elementary.

Thanks to the presence of kalium citrate «Irix» effectively diminishes the sensitivity of hard tissues of the tooth. Specially prepared alumo-kalium alum decreases significantly gingival staxis, since it has astringent action.

The analysis was carried out by doctors of our clinic who made mouth tests of 48 patients of the age 20-25 years after sanitation of mouth with «Irix» and «Irix F». The patients were divided in two groups depending on their complaints and clinical state of the mouth. For instance, patients who had complaints of high teeth sensitivity (Group 1) were given prescription to home use of «Irix», and patients of Group 2 – «Irix F».

All tested patients were recommended to use mouth rinse as necessary means. They applied it twice a day after oral hygiene (teeth brush cleaning by paste after breakfast and before sleep) – by portions of 25-30 ml they rinsed mouth with active movement of cheeks and lips, to distribute the liquid inside oral cavity, with obligatory spitting out. They also applied it during professional controlled oral hygiene and during other procedures in the clinic.

Purpose of analysis: to test the dental state of patients, with the aim of improving and stabilizing it through preventive treatment with the use of «Irix» and «Irix F».

Results of analysis.

All tested patients had de-compensated dental state (KPU = 9,5±0,03), which pointed at the necessity of full sanitation of the mouth and correction of individual oral hygiene with wide use of modern individual means of hygiene. Full results of analysis are presented in Table 1, Pic. 1, Pic. 2.

Table 1.
Change of indices OHI-S and РМА of patients after use of «Irix» and «Irix F»

Mouth rinse applied Time of testing OHI-S(%) РМА(%)
(Group 1: 21 patients)
During first visit 2,4±0,001 28,3±0,1
4 weeks later 1,1±0,002 11,4±0,2
«Irix F» (Group 2: 27 patients) During first visit 1,8±0,001 26,5±0,1
4 weeks later 1,2±0,001 9,4±0,3

All patients noted that both «Irix» and «Irix F» have pleasant outfit, are transparent, have comfortable taste. They are packed in modern bright package having bottle with dispenser inside, which is convenient for individual use at home (8-10 times pressing the dispenser). After application all patients said about comfort in the mouth, which may be attributed to the optimization of individual rational hygiene.

Pic.1. OHI-S index (%) before and after use of «Irix» and «Irix F»

Pic.2. PMA index (%) before and after use of «Irix» and «Irix F»

In addition, patients of Group 1 noted a significant diminution of increased teeth sensitivity, both during meals and during individual everyday hygienic manipulations.

Both mouth rinses have anti-microbial action, activate local immune-defense, decrease inflammatory tissue reaction, stimulate reparation processes, decrease resistance of micro-organisms to antibiotics. The presence of fluorine compounds in «Irix F» allows to stabilize the development of caries. Our research shows vivid and quick clinical effect, which is achieved thanks to the presence of myramistinum instead of chlorhexidine. This additive does not bring any bitter or unpleasant odor and taste, does not color teeth enamel, which is especially important after teeth bleaching, does not irritate mucous membrane of the mouth.

Myramistinum has been used in face-and-jaw surgery over 10 years, which allows to recommend «Irix» and «Irix F» for wide cure and preventive use after implant installation, splinting, orthodontic fixed-construction treatment.

The composition of «Irix» provides for its wide use in practical periodontology, since apart from above mentioned actions of myramistinum, it also has hemostatic, astringent action and decreases teeth sensitivity by enamel hyperesthesia.

The drugs’ special feature is the fact that they may be applied for a long period of time without spoiling the balance of mouth micro-flora.


The clinical analysis of «Irix» and «Irix F» of JSC «StomaDent» testify that they can be widely used in practical dentistry as one of the means for preventing and curing dental diseases such as caries, acute and chronic periodontal disease, stomatitis of various etiologies.


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