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The results of «FlowRest» composite light-cure material application for gingival edge restoration

varnish in a vial - 10 grams
solvent in a vial - 10 ml

  • preventive agent against caries,
  • reduction of teeth hyperesthesia,
  • treatment of non-carious lesions of teeth,
  • teeth preparation before placing prosthesis,
  • teeth treatment after whitening procedures, dental plaque removal and professional oral hygiene.

Analogue: «Bifluoride 12» Voco

«Dental Forum» journal, ¹ 5, 2012

A.V.Vikulin, V.A.Markin. Cathedra of orthopedic dentistry, Postgraduate faculty of Moscow State Medical-Dental University

Esthetic restoration by rendering dental assistance becomes more and more attractive for patients. Long time ago dentists learned how teeth crown restoration might satisfy esthetic perception of teeth, but it not possible to create the harmony of smile by gingival edge recession. At present such a flaw can be removed with the use of filling material imitating gingival color.

Purpose of work: clinical evaluation of using «FlowRest» (gingival shade) composite light-cure material.

Material and methods of evaluation. For gingival edge restoration, the so-called «pink esthetic» work, national company JSC «StomaDent» produces «FlowRest gingival shade» flowable composite low-modulus light-cure material. It has three shades imitating gingival colors: light (young gingiva), intermediate (pink) and dark (rose-lilac). The unique distinction of the material is its thixotropy, allowing it not to spread while adding high plasticity, and the ability to emit fluorides, which is relevant by restoration in cervical area. «FlowRest gingival shade» has the following physical and mechanical characteristics: consistency – 29-30 mm, diametric strength – 42-45 MPa, solidification depth for 10 seconds – 3.26 mm, flexural strength – 78-80 MPa, water absorption – 17-19 mkg/mm3, water solubility – 0.6-0.7 mkg/mm3.

We have made 20 restorations. In order to restore gingival edge, having decided on restoration parameters, and after mechanical cleaning of the tooth (crown and naked part of tooth) we made the preparation of defected walls to involve the crown and the root. The prepared oral cavity was etched with 37% ortho-phosphorus gel during 20 seconds. Then the gel was washed out by water, and tooth tissues were dried by air. The adhesive treatment was made with the use of light-cure «Primer-adhesive» («StomaDent»). The flaw sealing started with the restoration of crown part of the tooth. Cavity was filled with «FlowRest» material (A2 color) following instruction for use provided by producer. Then we proceeded to restoration of the root part, using «FlowRest gingival shade» allowing to imitate gingival edge. After that the restoration was processed with finishing burs and polished.

For clinical evaluation of sealed teeth the following parameters (as of D.M.Karalnik) have been used: the quality of marginal seal of restoration, anatomic form of the sealing, correspondence of the sealing color to tooth tissues. Evaluation of restoration quality was made 20 minutes later, and then 10 days, 3 and 6 months after restoration.

Evaluation results. «FlowRest gingival shade» as to its technical and toxicological characteristics meets all requirements to materials of this class. It is convenient in work, does not spread out, is well modeled, easy-to-process and well polished to a "dry light". In course of 6 months of clinical tests all restorations had mark «A», adhering tightly to teeth tissues at all periphery. There was no fissure in sight, anatomic form of the seals was preserved, restorations were not different from other tissues neither by color, nor by transparency.

Therefore, «FlowRest gingival color» composite light-cure material application permits receiving aesthetic restorations and solving social-psychological problems of patients.

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