High quality of dental materials and affordable price
are the basis for skilled and widespread dentistry

Experts' Opinion | Composite filling materials

1 syringe with the material - 3.0 g
«TempeLight» (white and blue colors)
«TempeLight F» (white color)

  • has high plasticity before cure and high elasticity after cure,
  • ensures highly hermetic sealing and ability to remove the temporary filling without the use of rotary instruments,
  • once the filling has been extracted, no mechanical working of the oral cavity is needed.

Clip / Clip F (Voco),
Temp.it (Spident)

Estelux NC - National Nano-hybrid Composite of New Generation

V.N.Chilikin, MD, professor, Honored doctor of Russia, deputy chief doctor of Dental clinic No 9, Moscow
Sh.L.Shimansky, PhD, chief doctor of Dental clinic No 65, Moscow

«Clinical Dentistry», № 4 (80) 2016

Summary. Some data is given concerning bad quality of direct restoration using composite materials. Causes of inadequate tooth decay treatment are being discussed. A new-generation domestic nano-hybrid composite material for front and side teeth restoration, which is capable of acting as a competitor to foreign analogues, is presented.

Keywords: quality of restoration, nanocomposite, imports phase-out.

We are living in a wonderful epoch full of unique technical innovations. The latest achievements in the field of composite polymer materials and related techniques of direct restoration allow practicing dentists to recreate not only the aesthetics, but also respective morphologic features of the natural tooth.

Nevertheless the quality of dental services to the population is far from ideal. The existing financing and reporting system in municipal dental clinics, the pursuit to fulfill the financial plan do not allow a doctor to follow the protocol of caries and its complications treatment, recommended by the Dental Association of Russia [5]. According to results of the poll of Moscow dentists, 46% of them believe that they do not have enough time for a qualitative treatment [1].

Research on the long-lasting results of aesthetic restorations of teeth by composite materials has shown that 6 months later 25% of seals have signs of the breach of hermeticism, 1 year later - 50%, 2 years later - 70% [3, Nikolaenko S.I., Dash V, Stepanov E.S. 2006]. The research of Nosik S.N. [2] has established that the quality of direct restorations of I-V class in 83.5% of cases does not correspond to the requirements of the "Protocol of treatment of patients "Teeth caries"" , which leads to the necessity to repeat restoration of to perform tooth de-pulping. The conclusion about low quality of dental treatment is also supported by the fact that dentists of general practice spend about 50% of their working time on retreatment of teeth which have been treated by them earlier [Going R., Jendreson M., 1972].

The longevity of restoration depends on the used composite material. Nevertheless disputes about advantages of one or another composite material are simply improper. Physical and mechanical parameters of composite materials (micro-hybrid composites produced with the use of nanotechnology) of the leading dental materials producers have very insignificant differences, which has been convincingly shown by this research [4], and in the hands of a dentist they are completely leveled. This is why by the choice of composite material a practicing dentist should be guided by more simple criteria: convenience and easiness of modeling, forecast color (aesthetic) solution, completeness of the kit and its price.

Therefore we would like to draw attention of our colleagues-dentists at the national-made material Estelux NC (producer - Stomadent, Tomilino, Moscow region) which is designed for aesthetic restorations of I-VI class of the frontal and side teeth. The authors have taken part in the clinical approbation of this nano-composite and have noted with satisfaction that it has little distinction from the best foreign analogues. Estelux NC has the following qualities:

  • high strength, which is explained by high degree of inorganic nano-hybrid filler - not less than 80%
  • anti-bacterial nano-particles, decreasing probability of recurrent caries
  • low degree of shrinkage - which decreases the risk of micro-leaks, which in its turn also decreases the risk of recurrent caries; the edge of restoration does not change color and aesthetic parameters are preserved longer;
  • easy to model even complex restorations; the material does not "slide" aside in this process;
  • radiopacity;
  • polymerization depth is 4.5 mm after 10 seconds of light-cure;
  • "chameleon" effect, which provides unseen border between the tooth enamel and the restoration;
  • photo-stability;
  • easy to polish till dry shine.

Fig. 1. Tooth 21 before restoration (а), in the process (б) and after restoration (в)

Fig. 2. Tooth 11 before restoration (а), after preparation (б) and after restoration (в)

Fig. 3. Tooth 46 before restoration (а), carious cavities after preparation (б), restoration is finished (в)

The standard kit contains 5 syringes of the most demanded shades: DA2, DA3, DA3,5, EA2, EA3. Separately syringes of all VITA shades are available.


In course of many years we have had the opportunity to work with imported materials, but now we state with satisfaction that there is quite competitive nationally-produced material, and this is particularly important today when we need import-substitution.


Estelux NC has been used by us while treating 61 teeth by 35 patients. The clinical cases have been as follows:

  • carious cavities of I class - 17;
  • carious cavities of II class - 12;
  • carious cavities of III class - 9;
  • carious cavities of IV class - 8;
  • carious cavities of V class - 8;
  • carious cavities of VI class - 2;
  • restoration of a lost tooth with the use of Contract material - 1;
  • carious cavities of the tooth root - 4.


1. Вещева Ю.Г. Экспертный анализ ошибок и осложнений эндодонтического лечения: дис. к.м.н. — М., 2005. — 207 с.

2. Носик С.Н. Анализ ошибок при реставрации зубов: автореф. дис. к.м.н. — М., 2012. — 22 с.

3. Николаев А.И. Отдаленные результаты эстетических реставраций: доклад на XII Всероссийской стоматологической выставке-ярмарке. — М., 9—11 февраля 2015 г.

4. Сотникова Н.П. Клинико-лабораторное изучение композитных пломбировочных материалов с различной дисперсностью наполнителя: автореф. дис. к.м.н. — М., 2010. — 22 с.

5. Цаболова И.Т. Совершенствование методов эндодонтического лечения заболеваний пульпы и периодонта: автореф. дис. к.м.н. — М., 2011. — 20 с.

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